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Teaching your machine to find fraudsters, by Ian Barber

http://www.phpconference.co.uk/talk/teaching-your-machine-find-fraudsters When dealing with money online, fraud is an ongoing problem for both consumers and sellers. Researchers have been developing statistical and machine learning techniques to detect shady sellers on auction sites, spot fraudulent payments on e-commerce systems and catch click fraud on adverts. While there is no silver bullet, you will learn to flag suspicious activity and help protect your site from scammers using PHP and a little help from some other technologies. Ian Barber is the development manager at Virgin Management in London, and has been working with PHP since 2002. He was formerly Delivery Manager for Ibuildings, where he worked with a variety of large enterprise clients across the UK and Europe. He is a regular conference speaker, and is interested in search, data processing, machine learning and natural language processing. Ian blogs about these topics and more on his site, PHP/ir.

February 24, 2012