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Masterizing PHP Data Structure 102, by Patrick Allaert

http://www.phpconference.co.uk/talk/masterizing-php-data-structure-102 We all have certainly learned data structures at school: arrays, lists, sets, stacks, queues (LIFO/FIFO), heaps, associative arrays, trees, ... and what do we mostly use in PHP? The "array"! In most cases, we do everything and anything with it but we stumble upon it when profiling code. During this session, we'll learn again to use the structures appropriately, leaning closer on the way to employ arrays, the SPL and other structures from PHP extensions as well. Patrick Allaert is a freelance system engineer and founder of Libereco Technologies, a Brussels based company specialized in PHP services. Using PHP since the early days of PHP 3, he is contributing/hacking on a wide variety of projects including PHP, eZ Publish, Linux and KDE. In his spare time, he also works on the PHP monitoring extension: APM for which he is the lead developer. Those activities doesn't give him much more time to blog or to tweet (@patrick_allaert).

February 24, 2012