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Keynote: Challenges at scale...at eBay, by Hugh Williams

http://www.phpconference.co.uk/talk/challenges-scale-extreme-data-platforms-ebay Hugh Williams, the vice president of experience, search and platforms at eBay, will take us on a tour of key platforms used at eBay. From their Hadoop platform and data stores, to how PHP is used at eBay. Finally, giving us some exciting insight to what's coming up that is cool at eBay in 2012. Hugh has spent nearly twenty years researching and developing search engines and web services. He is the Vice President of Search, Experience, and Platforms at eBay Inc., where his responsibilities include eBay's search engine, most of eBay's global user experiences, and eBay's platforms. He previously managed a large R&D team at Microsoft's Bing, and prior to that was a tenured professor in Australia. He has published over 100 works, mostly in the field of Information Retrieval, and including two books: 'Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL' and 'Learning MySQL' for O'Reilly Media Inc. He holds 5 patents and has 25 patents pending. He has a PhD from RMIT University in Australia.

February 24, 2012