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Creative Coding - why "doing nothing" doesn't mean you're not working

http://www.phpconference.co.uk/talk/creative-coding As programmers we create the most fantastic systems and constructions out of nothing, and there are endless possibilities in achieving this. Yet we are still confided by the structure and rules of the language we use, which makes programming an exciting profession to be in: in the cross fire of creativeness and boundaries. Our most important tool, no, not Vim, but the brain, can handle this perfectly well. Unfortunately, and much like the rest of the world, there is a clear focus on logic, rationality, and knowledge of the parts. An expert coder is also intuitive, creative, and remembers to include the whole picture. This talk covers the creative process, our dual CPU-brain and the cognitive skills needed for successful programming. As an added bonus we will also investigate why doing nothing does not mean you are not working. June Henriksen is an Oslo-based system developer at Redpill Linpro with a particular interest in web development and PHP. She has a passion for free and open source software, and holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Tromsø and Lancaster University. June also has a healthy interest in cognitive skills and the workings of the mind.

February 24, 2012