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On the Origin of React – Jenn Creighton, React Advanced 2021

React Advanced 2021 ##ReactAdvanced #GitNation Website – https://reactadvanced.com/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/react-advanced-conference-2021 Talk: On the Origin of React This talk looks at how components in React have evolved. We'll look back at previous versions of React, the headlining features, and how milestones like Fiber and Concurrent changed how we wrote React components. Some more details: I want to give attendees a glimpse of how React components looked at different major points in the history of React. Components written in 2013 don't look like components written in 2015 or today. This is a history of React that for some will be a walk down memory lane and for others, completely new information. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Toptal → https://www.toptal.com/freelance-jobs The Graph → https://thegraph.com/en/ Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors StackHawk → https://www.stackhawk.com/ Sanity → https://www.sanity.io Kontent by Kentico → https://kontent.ai/ Sourcegraph → https://about.sourcegraph.com/ Shopify → https://shopify.engineering/ Ionic → https://ionicframework.com/ JetBrains → https://www.jetbrains.com/ Progress KendoReact → https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/ Sentry → https://sentry.io/ Snyk → https://snyk.io/ Neuralegion→ https://www.neuralegion.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Stream → https://getstream.io/ CodeSandbox → https://codesandbox.io/ Smarkets → https://smarkets.com/about/ 3T → https://studio3t.com/ Modus Create → https://moduscreate.com/ Theodo → https://www.theodo.co.uk/ Commercetools → https://commercetools.com/ Strapi → https://strapi.io/ MUX → https://mux.com/ Callstack → https://callstack.com/ hackajob → https://hackajob.co/talent Hasura → https://hasura.io/ twilio → https://twilio.com/ahoy/ zeroheight → http://www.zeroheight.com/

October 22, 2021