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Efficient State Management With Hookstate - Ebenezer Don, React Advanced 2021

React Advanced 2021 ##ReactAdvanced #GitNation Website – https://reactadvanced.com/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/react-advanced-conference-2021 Talk: Efficient State Management With Hookstate If you’ve worked with the React useState hook before, you might have wondered why global state management can’t be just as easy. Why do we still need so much boilerplate to manage state with the Context API? What if we don’t want to be constrained by opinionated tools like Redux Toolkit or forced to use actions and reducers in our React applications? This is where Hookstate comes in. Hookstate is not just another state management solution. Apart from being feature-rich, fast, and flexible, the library takes the idea of simplifying state management in React apps to a whole new level. In this talk, I’ll introduce Hookstate as a simple and efficient state management solution for React applications. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Toptal → https://www.toptal.com/freelance-jobs The Graph → https://thegraph.com/en/ Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors StackHawk → https://www.stackhawk.com/ Sanity → https://www.sanity.io Kontent by Kentico → https://kontent.ai/ Sourcegraph → https://about.sourcegraph.com/ Shopify → https://shopify.engineering/ Ionic → https://ionicframework.com/ JetBrains → https://www.jetbrains.com/ Progress KendoReact → https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/ Sentry → https://sentry.io/ Snyk → https://snyk.io/ Neuralegion→ https://www.neuralegion.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Stream → https://getstream.io/ CodeSandbox → https://codesandbox.io/ Smarkets → https://smarkets.com/about/ 3T → https://studio3t.com/ Modus Create → https://moduscreate.com/ Theodo → https://www.theodo.co.uk/ Commercetools → https://commercetools.com/ Strapi → https://strapi.io/ MUX → https://mux.com/ Callstack → https://callstack.com/ hackajob → https://hackajob.co/talent Hasura → https://hasura.io/ twilio → https://twilio.com/ahoy/ zeroheight → http://www.zeroheight.com/

October 22, 2021