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A New Kind of Abstraction – Mike Hartington, React Advanced 2021

React Advanced 2021 ##ReactAdvanced #GitNation Website – https://reactadvanced.com/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/react-advanced-conference-2021 Talk: A New Kind of Abstraction Developers often look at abstractions as being "the closer to the metal, the better," meaning that as abstractions become further removed from the lowest possible level, the more you give up in terms of performance and features. But abstractions work as a spectrum also. We'll look at how we can adjust our view of abstractions and what kind of examples we can use to better understand that abstractions have less to do with programming and more to do with where we deploy. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Toptal → https://www.toptal.com/freelance-jobs The Graph → https://thegraph.com/en/ Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors StackHawk → https://www.stackhawk.com/ Sanity → https://www.sanity.io Kontent by Kentico → https://kontent.ai/ Sourcegraph → https://about.sourcegraph.com/ Shopify → https://shopify.engineering/ Ionic → https://ionicframework.com/ JetBrains → https://www.jetbrains.com/ Progress KendoReact → https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/ Sentry → https://sentry.io/ Snyk → https://snyk.io/ Neuralegion→ https://www.neuralegion.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Stream → https://getstream.io/ CodeSandbox → https://codesandbox.io/ Smarkets → https://smarkets.com/about/ 3T → https://studio3t.com/ Modus Create → https://moduscreate.com/ Theodo → https://www.theodo.co.uk/ Commercetools → https://commercetools.com/ Strapi → https://strapi.io/ MUX → https://mux.com/ Callstack → https://callstack.com/ hackajob → https://hackajob.co/talent Hasura → https://hasura.io/ twilio → https://twilio.com/ahoy/ zeroheight → http://www.zeroheight.com/

October 22, 2021