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Building Dapps with React – Nader Dabit, React Advanced 2021

React Advanced 2021 ##ReactAdvanced #GitNation Website – https://reactadvanced.com/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/react-advanced-conference-2021 Talk: Building Dapps with React Decentralized apps (dApps) are continuing to gain momentum in the industry. These developers are also now some of the highest paid in the entire trade. Building decentralized apps is a paradigm shift that requires a different way of thinking than apps built with traditional centralized infrastructure, tooling, and services – taking into consideration things like game theory, decentralized serverless infrastructure, and cryptoeconomics. As a React developer, I initially had a hard time understanding this entirely new (to me) ecosystem, how everything fit together, and the mental model needed to understand and be a productive full stack developer in this space (and why I would consider it in the first place). In this talk, I'll give a comprehensive overview of the space, how you can get started building these types of applications, and the entire tech stack broken apart then put back together to show how everything works. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Toptal → https://www.toptal.com/freelance-jobs The Graph → https://thegraph.com/en/ Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors StackHawk → https://www.stackhawk.com/ Sanity → https://www.sanity.io Kontent by Kentico → https://kontent.ai/ Sourcegraph → https://about.sourcegraph.com/ Shopify → https://shopify.engineering/ Ionic → https://ionicframework.com/ JetBrains → https://www.jetbrains.com/ Progress KendoReact → https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/ Sentry → https://sentry.io/ Snyk → https://snyk.io/ Neuralegion→ https://www.neuralegion.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Stream → https://getstream.io/ CodeSandbox → https://codesandbox.io/ Smarkets → https://smarkets.com/about/ 3T → https://studio3t.com/ Modus Create → https://moduscreate.com/ Theodo → https://www.theodo.co.uk/ Commercetools → https://commercetools.com/ Strapi → https://strapi.io/ MUX → https://mux.com/ Callstack → https://callstack.com/ hackajob → https://hackajob.co/talent Hasura → https://hasura.io/ twilio → https://twilio.com/ahoy/ zeroheight → http://www.zeroheight.com/

October 22, 2021