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"Use Remix to ship faster/build ambitiously with great UX" by Clifford Fajardo

I will discuss some of the things we've built at LinkedIn with Remix, why we chose it over other alternatives, our incremental migration story and how Remix is enabling us to ship faster & more ambitious web UIs for our users. Whether your an indie hacker, working at startup or large company, and are interested in moving to Remix, this talk is for you. Speaker Bio: Clifford Fajardo is a full-stack software engineer at LinkedIn where he works on infrastructure tools.He has worked at both startups and other large companies, including Salesforce. In his spare time you might find Clifford contributing to open source, hiking trails in the Bay Area, or eating at his favorite pizza shop: Bronco Billy's Pizza. He has a twin brother and is a proud Nicaraguan-American 🇳🇮 https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/clifford-fajardo

May 9, 2023