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"Remixing Hydrogen - Lessons learnt embracing the platform" by JP Prieto

34 years ago HTTP was born, 9 years later HTML v2 added the form element and at about the same time Ruby on Rails showed us the power of server-side mutations with semantic URLs. Along the way, we went full SPA and embraced everything-client. It’s now 2023, a time to leverage the best practices of the past and Remix some classics. Join me as I dive into what it was like to swap our homegrown react framework with Remix and how this change will impact Shopify headless commerce codebases, patterns and performance in the future. Speaker Bio: I'm a Full-stack engineer with a decade of experience developing highly performing e-commerce applications for agencies and brands such as Cuts Clothing, Vuori, Liquid IV amongst many others. Currently, I am a member of the Hydrogen team at Shopify where our focus is to deliver the best framework and tools for developing headless commerce applications. I am passionate about web standards, React and of course Remix. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/jp-prieto

May 9, 2023