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Sheharyar Naseer - Powering real-time collab with Phoenix and Operational xform

Ever wondered how you can build something like Google Docs? Using Elixir’s powerful fault-tolerance and concurrency capabilities along with Phoenix’s excellent support for building real-time systems out-of-the-box, these two are all you need to know to build your own real-time collaboration app. With our experience and learnings building Slab compressed into the talk, the goal is to get you going quickly by choosing the right™️ approach and tools. We’ll also use Operational Transform, a collaboration, and consistency architecture to ensure reliability and scalability when coauthoring. Starting with a basic plain-text implementation on the frontend, we’ll also show how to support formatting and more using an advanced editor like Quill.js. Some Assembly Required: To get the most out of this session, you must be comfortable writing code in Elixir and Phoenix, and ideally, have at least some understanding of OTP and websockets.

October 12, 2021