Scala on the Move! - by Shadaj Laddad
This talk was recorded at Scala Days New York, 2016. Follow along on Twitter @scaladays and on the website for more information Abstract: In the past year, all of my projects have involved using Scala with some moving entity: musical notes, robots, garage doors, and so on. In this talk, I will show how Scala has been consistently helpful, no matter what I throw at it. In a research project to categorize and identify musical recordings, Scala made a complex processing pipeline look beautiful with its collections. Processing pitches, building musical models, and applying machine learning algorithms could each be implemented as a data transformation. On my high school robotics team, I was able to use Scala.js and Akka-HTTP to build a web-based dashboard for viewing live sensor and control loop data, as well as running automated calibration routines. The simplicity of both Scala.js and Akka-HTTP made it easy to send data produced by simple functions to clients over a WebSocket and have clients render the data as it arrives. A combination of Akka, Play Framework, and Scala.js built Ash, a home-automation system with easy extensibility. Modeling server and client portions as actors allowed for easy communication between them. Akka also became a unifying factor for working across a diverse set of hardware -- PCs, mobile devices, and Raspberry Pis.