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Rahat Chowdhury - A Frontend Developers Guide to Web3 - React Miami 2022

Rahat Chowdhury - A Frontend Developers Guide to Web3 As a Frontend developer interested in Web3 I used to ask, “How much do I need to learn to get into the web3 space?” The truth is as a React developer, the skills I know are essential in web3. Let’s add some context around how to leverage those existing skills to succeed in this new space. We'll go over how to use block explorers like Etherscan and Polygonscan to find and test existing smart contracts and understand tools we can use to build UI's around them with React. Let’s demystify some of the concepts in web3 and leverage our existing skills to start building. www.jsworldconference.com #reactmiami #jsworld #jsworldconference #frontendlove #frontenddeveloperlove #javascript #reactjs #angular #react #vuejs #vue #vue3 #typescript #graphql #jamstack #amsterdam #conference #svelte #sveltejs #next #nextjs #staticsite #css #html #nuxt

April 18, 2022