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Brandon Bayer - Build Fullstack 10x Faster with Blitz.js - React Miami 2022

Brandon Bayer - Build Fullstack 10x Faster with Blitz.js Blitz.js is a toolkit that supercharges your Next.js app. It's heavily inspired by Ruby on Rails and is focused on making you as productive as possible. It adds all the missing pieces you need for building a fullstack app with a database. By far the biggest innovation of Blitz is the new "Zero-API" data layer that abstracts away the API so you don't have to mess with REST or GraphQL APIs! And out of the box so many things are already set up like ESLint, Jest, and even a production ready user authentication and authorization system! Brandon will cover all that and provide you everything you need to start www.jsworldconference.com #reactmiami #jsworld #jsworldconference #frontendlove #frontenddeveloperlove #javascript #reactjs #angular #react #vuejs #vue #vue3 #typescript #graphql #jamstack #amsterdam #conference #svelte #sveltejs #next #nextjs #staticsite #css #html #nuxt

April 18, 2022