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[#phpsrb17] Michael Heap | Your butler just received an upgrade

Jenkins has been one of the most popular continuous integration systems out there for many years. It was perfectly functional, but the UI wasn't the friendliest in the world and configuring jobs through a UI or XML files was just painful. In late 2016, Jenkins finally made it to version 2.0 which brought a huge number of improvements. From the new Blue Ocean UI to being able to define build configurations in your repo, it's a massive step up from version 1. In this talk, we'll go from an empty machine to a Jenkins install that automatically detects repos, branches and pull requests and builds them according to the Jenkinsfile in each branch. We'll be running tests, linting and packaging applications in parallel where possible, and even running things on Linux, Windows and MacOS all at the same time!

May 27, 2017