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[#phpsrb17] Alexander Lisachenko | Solving Cross-Cutting Concerns in PHP

Everybody likes Object-Oriented Programming and wants to keep the source code clean and clear, but there are cross-cutting concerns that can not be solved easily such as logging, caching, authorization, transaction control and more. Are there any ways to solve them? Yes. One of them is Aspect-Oriented Programming. This is a talk about Aspect-Oriented Paradigm with presentation of Go! AOP framework , that was inspired by Lithium, Java Spring and famous AspectJ frameworks. And for now AOP is possible in PHP. I will show some new techniques such as inter-type declarations (dynamic traits for classes, dynamic interfaces, adapters), such as method interception, AOP caching, logging and much more. Are you tired of implementing of logging or caching in all methods? Do you want to extract this code to the one place? Join me and learn the elegant ways of solving cross-cutting concerns in PHP.

May 27, 2017