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Malorie Hughes - The Anatomy of a Plot: From gg to highcharter

The Anatomy of a Plot: From gg to highcharter by Malorie Hughes Visit https://rstats.ai/nyr/ to learn more. Abstract: No matter what you work on, visualizations are key to communicating what you’ve uncovered. Before the reign of tidyverse, the layered syntax of ggplot2 was an unfamiliar beast (I can just keep… “adding” to it?). By now, many of us have grown comfortable with thinking in layers and pipes. But to become a true master of viz, you have to know you’re way around the plot *and* produce visualizations that feel effortless to your audience. This talk will cover the shared anatomy and analogous syntax of the static ggplot and interactive highcharter vizualizations—and make the case for highcharter as a means to keep R alive in an otherwise python work environment. Bio: Malorie is a Sr Data Scientist at Amazon researching the impact of packaging decisions on the customer experience, working to improve the balance between packaging waste and damages. Malorie received her Statistics MS and Economics MA from UC Irvine while researching micro-econometric methods and hypothesis testing frameworks for FDA clinical trials. Before joining Amazon, Malorie spent time as a statistician for Amplify Education, a solutions architect for Rackspace, and a data scientist for NPR. Twitter: https://twitter.com/data_all_day Presented at the 2022 New York R Conference (June 9, 2022)

June 9, 2022