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KotlinConf 2019: The State of Kotlin Support in Spring by Sebastien Deleuze

Recording brought to you by American Express. https://americanexpress.io/kotlin-jobs The first part of this talk is an overview of the state of the art of application development with Spring Boot 2.2 and Kotlin: - Immutable @ConfigurationProperties data classes - Testing with #JUnit 5 and #Mockk - The new router DSL for #SpringMVC - Coroutines support for WebFlux, RSocket and Spring Data - Kotlin code snippets in Spring Framework documentation - MockMvc Kotlin DSL - Best practices (extensions, constructor based injection, etc.) The second part is a livecoding of a #SpringBoot application configured with the Kofu, the Kotlin DSL currently developed in the Spring Fu incubator I have created a few months ago. It is an alternative to Spring Boot auto-configuration designed for configuring your application explicitly with auto-completion and custom configuration slices while still supporting most of Spring Boot features. Resources: KotlinConf website: https://jb.gg/fyaze5 KotlinConf on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kotlinconf Kotlin website: https://jb.gg/pxrsn6 Kotlin blog: https://jb.gg/7uc7ow Kotlin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kotlin #KotlinConf19 #Kotlin #JetBrains About the Presenter: Sébastien is a Spring Framework committer at Pivotal. He mostly works on Kotlin support across Spring portfolio, and on Web and Reactive topics. He created the Spring Fu project, and is also part of MiXiT conference staff crew.

December 4, 2019