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KotlinConf 2019: Migrating a Library from RxJava To Coroutines by Mike Nakhimovich & Yiğit Boyar

Recording brought to you by American Express. https://americanexpress.io/kotlin-jobs Few years ago I open sourced a library called Store. It was an implementation of the repository pattern exposed through rxjava observable interfaces. Fast forward to today and store has 3500+ stars, 20+ contributors. Today I'll be talking about a clean rewrite of Store in kotlin particularly dropping #RxJava for #Coroutines. I'll go over converting tests, finding similar apis and all the lessons learned from forcing users to switch to kotlin. Resources: KotlinConf website: https://jb.gg/fyaze5 KotlinConf on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kotlinconf Kotlin website: https://jb.gg/pxrsn6 Kotlin blog: https://jb.gg/7uc7ow Kotlin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kotlin #KotlinConf19 #Kotlin #JetBrains About the Presenter: Mike is a android and kotlin gde, he's currently a staff engineer at Dropbox, before Dropbox, he was the lead android engineer at Nike's digital innovation lab: s23nyc where he spent time building Nike's first android team in NY. Prior, he was an architect at the New York Times focused on app performance and functional reactive architectures. Mike started his Android career many moons ago making warehouse logistics software which dealt with external sensors/barcode readers. This was followed by a stint at TouchLab, an Android consulting form, before (briefly) chasing the equity dream at Betterment. Mike is the co-founder of FriendlyRobot.nyc, an Android development shop in New York City. When not working he enjoys backpacking, biking, traveling to speak about Android at conferences (pro-tip), writing for tech blogs, and maintaining open source libraries. You can find some of his past talks/writing here: https://github.com/friendlyrobotnyc/talks Yigit leads the Architecture Components for Android, focusing on the developer experience and dreams of making app development easy. Prior to Google, he was the Android engineering manager at Path.com. He received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University / Turkey. He is most proud of being the first person to use Kotlin in the Android codebase in 2014!

December 4, 2019