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KotlinConf 2017 - Kotlin for Data Science by Thomas Nield

"Data Science" is a broad buzzword encompassing the study and analysis of data, often using programming tools like R, Python, and Scala. But can a pragmatic language like Kotlin address many challenges currently faced in the data science domain? Kotlin offers pragmatic, concise syntax and features that can quickly express business logic. It not only handles business complexity with grace and speed, but also introduces type safety and resiliency. Kotlin might be able to close the gap between data science and software engineering, allowing data scientists to model towards production and not just prototypes. This session will help you discover how Kotlin can take data science to new heights, and how you (the community!) can be the catalyst to drive it. Thomas Nield is a Business Consultant for Southwest Airlines in Schedule Initiatives, often balancing business analytics with tactical technology development. He is a maintainer/contributor for a number of OSS projects including RxKotlin, RxJavaFX, Kotlin-Statistics, TornadoFX, and RxPy. Thomas is an author/speaker at O'Reilly Media with a book, videos, and webcasts covering topics like SQL, reactive programming, and data science. He has authored the books Getting Started with SQL (O'Reilly) and Learning RxJava (Packt).

November 2, 2017