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KotlinConf 2017 - A View State Machine for Network Calls on Android by Amanda Hill

Using Kotlin's sealed classes, we can make a state machine for all UI-related to network calls. The reality of ever-changing design specs can, at times, be frustrating and miserable, but rather than focus on the negatives I like to think that it can also be a fun challenge in how we approach development. So today I am going to share some improvements I made to how I handle network requests in Android development to protect against UI changes. A not-at-all-recent grad from Cornell University, Amanda was born and raised in NYC but is now living with several houseplants in SF. She loves street vendor hot dogs, white sneakers, and taking pictures of food. She was the lead Android Dev at Venmo before moving over to the world of consulting where she now works at thoughtbot.

November 2, 2017