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Dimitri Mitropoulos - Demystifying Protocol Buffers and gRPC

In this session, we will explore why and how Javascript developers should use Protocol Buffers and RPC to improve their frontend development. We will discuss how to stop relying on freeform RESTful APIs and GraphQL, and instead, move towards schema-driven API development. While Protocol Buffers and RPC have traditionally been viewed as tools for backend applications, listeners will gain an understanding of how to leverage them in their frontend projects to drastically improve developer productivity and codebase maintainability. https://www.jsworldconference.com/newsletter Powered by https://passionatepeople.io #jsworld #jsworldconference #frontendlove #frontenddeveloperlove #javascript #reactjs #angular #react #vuejs #vue #vue3 #typescript #graphql #jamstack #amsterdam #conference #svelte #sveltejs #next #nextjs #staticsite #css #html #nuxt

February 28, 2023