Drones for good - Table ronde - VOEN
Clare Cook - Journaliste - Media Innovation Studio/University of Central Lancashire Ben Kreimer - journalist, technologist and adviser - SkyCAM John Mills - Researcher at Media Innovation Studio - University of Central Lancashire Darren Ansell - Space and Aerospace Engineering Lead - University of Central Lancashire Offering web-connectivity that allows communities to access drones and their data, tech from the UK’s Civic Drone Centre adds a crowdsourced angle on UAV development. ‘AeroSee’ puts people at the centre of drone operations: connecting a global user base to live drone data feeds. Our search and rescue trial in the UK used this community-connected drone-cast to find a missing hiker in 69 seconds. In Kenya, Drone Journalism project SkyCAM is pushing the boundaries of UAV content capture, and exploring how UAVs could revolutionise media operations. So what does a world of web-connected civilian UAVs mean? How can opportunities around this fast technology development be harnessed? Speakers from Europe and America will explore the potential of web-connected drones, how they offer new and engaging ways for citizens, storytellers, journalists and organisations to utilise UAV technologies. We’ll tackle contentious issues of ethics, privacy and safety. What are the dangers of eyes in the sky, and can positive UAV uses re-energise a potentially sceptical public? Fresh from SxSw in Texas… En savoir plus sur le Web2day et réservez vos places pour la prochaine édition : http://www.web2day.co Le Web2day est un événement organisé par Atlantic2.0 http://www.atlantic2.org Crédit vidéo : Réalisation, motion design & scénographie : Mstream http://www.mstream.fr Musique originale by Jasper Louise http://www.jasperlouise.com Enregistré à Stereolux http://www.stereolux.org