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Beyond the Pod: Privilege Escalation in Kubernetes

Présentation par : Patrycja Wegrzynowicz 📕 Resumé : This talk examines the risks of privilege escalation in Kubernetes, focusing on common vulnerabilities like misconfigured RBAC permissions, vulnerable pods and containers, and exploitable components such as kubelet, API server, and etcd. We discuss how these oversights can lead to unauthorized administrative access through tactics like group impersonation, role binding, and token or secret theft. The presentation includes practical demos to highlight key security issues and concludes with essential best practices to enhance Kubernetes security and prevent escalation threats. Enregistré en avril 2024 à Paris, Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot. 🔥 Pour rester informé sur l'actualité de Devoxx France, suivez nous sur linkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/devoxx-france/, twitter : https://twitter.com/DevoxxFR ou consultez notre site web https://www.devoxx.fr/

April 17, 2024