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10 Incredible Things you can do with Micronaut & GraalVM

Présentation par : Graeme Rocher 📕 Resumé : In this session Micronaut creator and Oracle architect Graeme Rocher will demonstrate 10 amazing things you can do with the Micronaut framework. Using live coding demonstrations Graeme will showcase hidden gems if the framework that can elevate productivity to the next level. From taking advantage of roundtrip OpenAPI generation to leveraging Testcontainers for testing, the framework is filled with productivity boosters that enhance the developer experience. Attendees will learn tips and tricks not found anywhere else that will help get the most out of developing Micronaut applications compatible with the GraalVM Native Image. Enregistré en avril 2024 à Paris, Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot. 🔥 Pour rester informé sur l'actualité de Devoxx France, suivez nous sur linkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/devoxx-france/, twitter : https://twitter.com/DevoxxFR ou consultez notre site web https://www.devoxx.fr/

April 17, 2024