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Zachary Johnson & Andrew Reitano:NESpectre: The Massively Multi-Haunted NES | JSConf EU 2017

http://2017.jsconf.eu/speakers/zachary-johnson-nespectre-the-massively-multihaunted-nes.html NESpectre is a genuine 8-bit NES videogame console that’s been transformed to accept massively-multiplayer input from an entire audience via our JavaScript stack. Come haunt our NES with your supernatural influence and expect the wildly unexpected to happen! Visual and audio glitches, impossible game scenarios, 100-player versions of classic games and more will all be at your fingertips. Come for the mayhem, stay for the networking and hardware hacking knowledge dump. NESpectre is a one-of-a-kind system that has never been shown at a JS conference!

May 6, 2017