Vanessa Otto - Micro frontends: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly -JSworld 2021
Everybody is talking about slicing up the monolith. The goal is to create scalable architectures. But how can we achieve that? For one project, we have decided to give everything, using cutting edge technology, micro-services, verticals, server-side rendering, and more. Talking about upgrading the legacy code base, the plan was to have this greenfield project on separate URLs. We wrote micro-frontends in Vue.js + Vue Server Renderer Plugin, UI Components as web components and first-party libraries in Typescript. In this talk, we'll go through the example of an online shop. I won't try to sell you the idea of micro-frontends. But I can show you what we've learned on this bumpy road with memory leaks and semantic versioning. Slides: Purchase all recordings via Sign up for our newsletter: Stay up to date via LinkedIn: Powered by #unittests #webaudio #unittesting #hiphop #frontendlove or #vuejsamsterdam #javascript #reactacademy #react #microinteractions #designsystems #javascript #artificialintelligence #amsterdam #speaker #conference #frontendlove #frontenddeveloperlove #javascriptconference #frontendconference #vue #angular #react #cfp #theateramsterdam #meetup #conferences #events