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The Developer Portal: Open the Gate to Productivity - Maha Alsayasneh

ArgoCD, Jenkins, Buildkite, Kubernetes, Jira, SonarQube, Vault, etc., with the rapid growth of technologies, this list keeps getting larger and the company software ecosystem gets more and more complex. It becomes overwhelming and time-consuming for developers to configure and use these software tools especially when the tools used for developing services owned by team A are different from those owned by team B. To free your developers from the burden of figuring out what service to use and how, in this talk, I will present the concept of service catalog, a developer portal to improve the developer experience and speed up development cycles. Through a demo, I will show how to build a developer portal using Backstage service catalog and how to plug your existing services into it. Real successful case studies will be presented. Join me if you would like to know more about it 😉

November 10, 2023