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Taking on Genetically Evolving Cellular Automata with JavaScript

Genetically evolving cellular automata -- that's a mouthful. Let's break it down 1. We will be looking at cellular automata. A cellular automata is a set of units governed with very simple rules. These units make up a complex system, or model. 2. We can train cellular automata to genetically evolve, making themselves better overtime. We can make them adhere to a set of rules that would make the system reach a certain outcome at the end of N generations. We can even use these concepts in the wild. 3. We will be doing it all with JavaScript. About Irina Shestak Irina is a node + javascript developer and enthusiast. Aside from enthusiasting about javascript during the workday, she instructs with Ladies Learning Code in Vancouver and explores the great outdoors (i.e. the Rockies).

November 29, 2016