Samuel Snopko - SDKs, Relations, Love & Thunder - JSWORLD Conference 2022
Samuel Snopko - SDKs, Relations, Love & Thunder The time flies fast. We spent more than the last two years in the online bubble. Our work and life merged slowly together. We don't commute, and we are so much more effective! But are we? Did we change? Let's stop for a second. Let's put our heads together. Let's question our creativity and productivity. What is the best developer experience? Are the answers in SDKs, Relations, Love, or Thunder? Powered by #jsworld #jsworldconference #frontendlove #frontenddeveloperlove #javascript #reactjs #angular #react #vuejs #vue #vue3 #typescript #graphql #jamstack #amsterdam #conference #svelte #sveltejs #next #nextjs #staticsite #css #html #nuxt