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Modular Infrastructure for IoT Applications by Michal Stehlik

Internet of Things (IoT) is a buzzword which has had everyone talking over the last couple of years. My presentation will demonstrate how to build a simply extensible and widely configurable gateway allowing protocols translation (HTTP with Apache Http Components, Serial and I2C with Pi4J and libbulldog). Compared with other existing products on the market, the proposed solution brings great performance even on multicore ARM processors using Fork/Join Framework, but also a simple manner to write and manage your own extensions via RESTfull API (by integrating Jetty-Jersey-Genson). The iGate [IotaGate] resource is not just one-purpose tool, but a reusable solution to integrate M2M and SCADA offerings with web portals or other tools such as IBM Bluemix, IBM Intelligent Operation for Transportation or custom complex solutions based on IoT data acquiring and control.

March 11, 2016