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Maximum Efficiency: A Primer on Capacitor – Mike Hartington

JSNation Conference 2023 #JSNation #GitNation Website – https://jsnation.com/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/jsnation-2023/talks Talk: Maximum Efficiency: A Primer on Capacitor Quick, what is the quickest way to bring your product to the app stores? In today's landscape, trying to get into the app store can mean spending weeks deciding what tool to use and then rewriting your entire app. But the web, and mainly Capacitor, can simplify that. Take your existing web app, add Capacitor to the mix, and you have a native app that's ready for the stores! Let's see what's possible Capacitor and why it can help you ship faster. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Bryntum → http://www.bryntum.com/ Handsontable → https://handsontable.com/ Weaviate → https://weaviate.io/ Platformatic.dev → https://platformatic.dev/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Nx → https://nx.dev/ Ionic → https://ionic.io/ CKSource → https://ckeditor.com/ Descope → https://www.descope.com/ CrabNebula → https://crabnebula.dev/ Sonar → https://www.sonarsource.com/ JetBrains → https://www.jetbrains.com/ The Graph → https://thegraph.com/en/ Twilio → http://twilio.com/ Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ Sentry → https://sentry.io/welcome/ Bloomberg → https://www.bloomberg.com/company/values/tech-at-bloomberg/javascript/ Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Chromatic → http://chromatic.com/ Infobip → https://www.infobip.com/ Stream → https://getstream.io/

June 1, 2023