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Making Chromestatus.com a Lightning-Fast PWA (Polymer Summit 2016)

How do you build a production app using web components? How do you make it fast? Chromestatus.com was launched in 2013 as part of the Blink fork and quickly became an everyday tool used by Chrome engineers, browser vendors, and web developers around the world. As the 1st production app built with Polymer, it has evolved quite a bit over the years. In this talk, you'll learn what it takes to build a lightning fast PWA using web components. Topics include incorporating Polymer elements, lazy loading patterns, utilizing http/2 push/preload, and more. Missed the summit? Catch the recordings at: https://www.polymer-project.org/summit Or watch more videos here: https://goo.gl/XDWHzT Subscribe to the channel: https://youtube.com/chromedevelopers Find out more at: Chromestatus.com (src: github.com/GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard) Libraries appmetrics.js github.com/ebidel/appmetrics.js h2 push manifest npm install http2-push-manifest h2 push on GAE github.com/GoogleChrome/http2push-gae sw-precache github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-precache sw-toolbox github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-toolbox Music by Terra Monk: https://goo.gl/9BkpNH

October 17, 2016