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[EZSC2015] D03L04 Track 1 - Twig content rendering with eZObjectWrapperBundle

More details: http://2015.ezsummercamp.com/Programme/Twig-content-rendering-with-eZObjectWrapperBundle By Steven Bressey eZObjectWrapperBundle is an ez5 symfony bundle made by Kaliop to improve eZ Publish 5 Content view rendering in Twig templates. eZObjects can be created by an eZobjectFactory and automatically encapsulate content & location objects. The bundle provides a mapping system to bind content types to their respective ezobject class, which enables developers to use their own methods to easily render content fields in Twig Templates. The aim of this workshop is to introduce eZObjectWrapperBundle main features and set up some examples of content rendering using ezobjects. The story of this open-source bundle was as a feature proposal: https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-23891 The bundle source is here: https://github.com/kaliop/ezobjectwrapper And the description of what it does exactly is here: https://github.com/kaliop/ezobjectwrapper/wiki

August 26, 2015