!!Con 2021 - Do your eyes hurt? All you need is cardboard and motors!!... by Dasha Llina
Do your eyes hurt? All you need is cardboard and motors!! (Ok, and a lot of superglue) by Dasha Llina The grim reality of working from home has finally entered almost every household. Though even before the pandemic, with the invention of the ‘freelancer’, so came the many gadgets to improve productivity and reduce discomfort from working from home or at an office. My response to the screen glasses, office chairs, or ergonomic mice was to build my own DIY versions with cardboard and a few motors. Did my solutions work? you ask. Sounds like you will need to attend the talk* to find out! This talk* will give you an insight into how these sort of solutions can be made from the materials you have at home - with basic skills, many failed attempts, and lots of humor - in order to encourage you to build your own fixes to your problems! Dasha Ilina is a Russian digital artist based in Paris, France. Her work explores the relationship we develop with the digital devices we use on a daily basis, specifically in regards to the human body. Ilina’s work centers around the notions of care and technology, DIY practices and low-tech solutions to examine various issues such as phone addiction, tech-related health problems and privacy in the digital age. She is the founder of the Center for Technological Pain, a center that proposes DIY solutions to health problems caused by digital technologies for which she has received an Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica. She is also the co-director of NØ SCHOOL.