Building videochat with Elixir and Phoenix - Anil Wadghule - ElixirConf EU 2018
Anil Wadghule reports back on the videochat system he has been building with Elixir and Phoenix. His app makes use of the following Elixir and Phoenix features: - Realtime with Phoenix channels How a Videochat benefits from realtime features from the Phoenix framework. In a videochat app, there are many interactions happening in a group, so you need realtime capabilities in your server. - Supervisors Instead of crashing, how do we gracefully stop services? When users close tabs, other users in the videochat should be gracefully informed that user's have quit. Anil covers how he made use of Supervisors and Gensevers for use cases. - Genstage For events processing with remote WebRTC media server - third party media server has API and continually sends different events such as 'network is slow,' 'user's video is unpublished' or 'audio gone off' etc. Anil will show how he made use of Genstage's event handling to interactively show users feedback. - Debugging Anil will show how Erlang's debugging tools came in hand when there was something wrong. Slides can be found on website here: