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Automate your Workflow: Removing Tedium in Everyday Work - Bruno Škvorc

As the only editor of a highly active channel, I often read high quality content from a wide array of people. However, it's not all fun and games - I also need to keep track of author activity, do social promotion of posts, monitor payouts, keep an eye on the competition, and much more. These tasks take up a lot of precious time, and can be automated in a large part. In this talk, I'll go into detail on how I removed the tedium from a lot of my work with Diffbot, PHP, and a set of interesting PHP libraries, automating author analytics and backstabbing detection, link generation, and more. https://joind.in/talk/view/11948 Slides : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1473908/ForumPHP%20-%20October%202014.pdf

October 29, 2014