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API Platform Conference 2021 - Łukasz Chruściel - Sylius & API Platform: the story of integration

Being a part of the Symfony ecosystem gives access to the vast number of open-source solutions built on top. A lot of people voluntarily committed the time to make impressive, multipurpose solutions. One of these solutions is the API Platform, the most mature framework for API development. In Sylius, it was always our goal to take advantage of the best of the breed and integrate with others. Keeping this in mind, we have decided to combine both projects and deliver a new quality in the headless e-commerce world. How did it go to integrate new infrastructure to the existing, pretty big codebase? What were the main challenges that we encountered, and how did we solve them? What are the key take-outs from our integrations? I will answer these and a few more questions during my talk. _________________ More info: https://api-platform.com/con/2021/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApiPlatform Music credits: Passion stuff by Lux-Inspira

September 10, 2021