Advanced Codable - iOS Conf SG 2021
Speaker: Ben Scheirman We’ve all been there. We implement a Codable model and it fits the API just perfectly, and the magical automatic implementation provided by Swift just works and there’s so little code you have to write. But then we encounter something new, where things go off the rails and you have to implement the encode/decode methods yourself. This talk focuses on that part of Codable. We’ll start with a quick overview of the customization points and how the API works, then talk about how to solve problems with it. About the Speaker: Ben is an iOS, Mac, and Ruby on Rails developer from Houston, Texas. Under his company, Fickle Bits, he builds apps for clients ranging from startups to established companies from multiple industries. He also runs, a site with over 400 videos on app development. When not writing software, Ben is probably playing board games with his 5 children, playing guitar, or making award-winning Texas BBQ. Event URL: