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Yaroslav Shmarov - Hotwire Cookbook: Common Uses, Essential Patterns & Best Practices

@SupeRails creator and Rails mentor Yaroslav Shmarov shares how some of the most common frontend problems can be solved with Hotwire. He covers: - Pagination, search and filtering, modals, live updates, dynamic forms, inline editing, drag & drop, live previews, lazy loading & more - How to achieve more by combining tools (Frames + Streams, StimulusJS, RequestJS, Kredis & more) - What are the limits of Hotwire? - How to write readable and maintainable Hotwire code - Bad practices Slides available at: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/031WsmVqF1yJVtjl2riyTgw_A#RailsWorld_2023_Hotwire_Cookbook_Yaroslav_Shmarov Links: https://rubyonrails.org/ https://superails.com/ https://hotwired.dev/ #RailsWorld #RubyonRails #rails #hotwire #stimulusjs #turbo #turbolinks #domid #kredis #turboframes #turbostreams Thank you Dell APEX for sponsoring the editing and post-production of these videos.Visit them at: https://dell.com/APEX

October 5, 2023