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Jorge Manrubia - Making a difference with Turbo

Hotwire is about building snappy user interfaces while maximizing developer happiness, about bringing innovations while respecting how the web works. What if we could make a step forward on all those fronts? At @37signals, they developed a little Turbo addition that they believe can make a big difference for everyone: morphing. Jorge Manrubia, Leader Programmer at 37signals walks us through it in his talk at Rails World. Slides: https://dev.37signals.com/assets/files/a-happier-happy-path-in-turbo-with-morphing/rails-world-2023-making-difference-with-turbo.pdf Links: https://dev.37signals.com/a-happier-happy-path-in-turbo-with-morphing/ https://turbo.hotwired.dev/ https://rubyonrails.org/ #RubyonRails #Rails #turbo #hotwire #Rails7 #RailsWorld Thank you Dell APEX for sponsoring the editing and post-production of these videos. Visit them at: https://dell.com/APEX

October 5, 2023