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Using the SGACK architecture on security event inspection - Use Case Track

The SDACK architecture stands for Spark, Docker, Akka, Cassandra, and Kafka. At TrendMicro, we adopted the SDACK architecture to implement a security event inspection platform for APT attack analysis. In this talk, we will introduce SDACK stack with Spark lambda architecture, Akka and Kafka for streaming data pipeline, Cassandra for time series data, and Docker for microservices. Specifically, we will show you how we Dockerize each SDACK component to facilitate the RD team of algorithms development, help the QA team test the product easily, and use the Docker as a Service strategy to ship our products to customers. Next, we will show you how we monitor each Docker container and adjust the resource usage based on monitoring metrics. And then, we will share our Docker security policy which ensures our products are safety before shipping to customers. After that, we'll show you how we develop an all-in-one Docker based data product and scale it out to multi-host Docker cluster to solve the big data problem. Finally, we will share some challenges we faced during the product development and some lesson learned.

June 19, 2016