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Navigating the Future: GraphQL’s Expansion, AI Adoption, and Modern Languages - Adapting for Success

Navigating the Future: GraphQL’s Expansion, AI Adoption, and Modern Languages - Adapting for Success in 2025 - Uri Goldshtein, The Guild; Idit Levine, Solo.io; Benjie Gillam, Graphile; Lee Byron, GraphQL Foundation; Moderated by Keith Babo, Solo.io According to Gartner, GraphQL was implemented in just over 10% of enterprises in 2021 and they predict that GraphQL implementations will increase to over 50% of all enterprises by 2025. The unprecedented surge in GraphQL’s popularity within enterprise ecosystems calls for an urgent introspective analysis and forward-thinking strategies. This panel discussion delves into the foreseeable future, envisioning GraphQL’s evolution by 2025 in response to expanding horizons, AI integration, and the embrace of contemporary programming languages. As GraphQL cements its position as an indispensable tool in enterprise architectures, the necessity for the project to evolve rapidly without compromising consistency becomes apparent. Our esteemed panelists will shed light on the innovations and adaptations necessary for the GraphQL project to flourish. This includes a discussion on evolving governance models, project sustainability, and community engagement to ensure the GraphQL Foundation remains a steward of progress. Another focal point is the emergence of AI in API ecosystems. How can GraphQL integrate with AI-driven systems? What challenges and opportunities does AI present for GraphQL APIs? Our experts will discuss the promising avenues where GraphQL and AI can complement each other, and how this synergy could redefine data-fetching paradigms. Additionally, the panel will tackle the inevitable shift toward modern programming languages. With languages such as Rust, Kotlin, and Swift gaining traction, the GraphQL ecosystem must adapt. We’ll discuss the opportunities these languages present and how GraphQL can harness their strengths to remain a versatile and powerful tool for contemporary development. The final segment will engage the audience in a thought-provoking dialogue on the GraphQL Foundation’s role in these evolving landscapes. Panelists will offer perspectives on what's next for the GraphQL Foundation from today through 2025. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. Get Started Here: https://graphql.org/

September 19, 2023