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GraphQL Is a Superpower for Your Product Manager and Designer - Jeff Auriemma, Apollo GraphQL

GraphQL Is a Superpower for Your Product Manager and Designer - Jeff Auriemma, Apollo GraphQL Good tools help get a job done faster and better. Great tools transform the entire end-to-end workflow from concept to deployment. GraphQL, an open standard and protocol for APIs, is both good and great. It allows your designer to explore the full capabilities of your data so they can conceive of the best user experience possible. GraphQL allows your engineers to say “three weeks” to your product manager where they would have said “two months” before. These enhancements have a practical impact on the relationships that are the foundation of your cross-functional team’s success. In this talk I’ll address some of the challenges product teams face as their understanding of the end user starts to outpace their ability to ship new features (which is healthy). Then, I will give some concrete examples where GraphQL can make a difference. A/B tests and designer productivity will be covered, all drawn from my experiences in both IC and EM roles on product engineering teams. For each of these scenarios I’ll show how GraphQL principles and tooling can give your team a practical advantage. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. Get Started Here: https://graphql.org/

September 19, 2023