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Miro Svrtan - When testing makes no sense #phpsrb

If you look at the stage of any conference in the PHP world, people are preaching testing,testing,testing ... If you on the other hand look at the community, the percentage of people writing tests is really low. As a person who went from 'How can I ask for more time/money/resources for testing?' through 'ask for forgiveness instead of permission', to person who writes tests a lot, I still believe testing doesn't make sense. No, it doesnt make sense for all and everyone, often enough it makes no sense for me too. This talk will explore that fuzzy line when you have to shift your mind from one side to the other: in both directions. https://twitter.com/msvrtan https://conf2018.phpsrbija.rs/ https://phpsrbija.rs/ https://twitter.com/search?q=phpsrb&src=typd

May 25, 2018