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Emily Stamey - Hey Boss Event Sourcing Could Fix That #phpsrb

Our application has so much going on! Slow page loads and a large legacy codebase make developers feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. In this session, we will explore a strategy to add a modern codebase alongside the legacy code, allowing them to run simultaneously until you replace it. We will discuss common legacy problems like complex database queries causing slow downs and large reports that take so long to load, users must wait instead of analyzing the data. As our system has grown, we may need to separate our application into distinct parts and pass relevant information between them. Or maybe we have two distinct codebases already and each codebase is affected by the other's changes in ways we didn't expect. We will examine how to add Event Sourcing and CQRS to these pain points and throw away that legacy spaghetti! https://twitter.com/elstamey https://conf2018.phpsrbija.rs/ https://phpsrbija.rs/ https://twitter.com/search?q=phpsrb&src=typd

May 25, 2018