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Manu Martinez-Almeida | Qwik: Performance is a Human Design Issue

Developer Experience and Performance are two sides of the same coin and developers everyday make a choice between them. Most of the slow sites are not a matter of lack of diIigence, but a human design issue. In this talk, Manu explains a new way to think about performance, and the main design philosophy behind Qwik. Manu will also show how Qwik is fundamentally different from a technical point of view. Manu will compare hydration, partial hydration (Astro), React Server Components and resumability, putting them into context with DX (Developer Experience) and how developers always choose the path of least effort when building stuff. Manu has been building OSS for 15 years, from game engines for iOS (cocos2d), backend frameworks in Go (Gin) and a lot of web tech. Before joining the core team of Qwik, Manu worked building the Ionic framework and Stencil. Today Manu works as Senior Framework Engineer at Builder.io.

October 5, 2023