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Lukas Taegert-Atkinson | Reinventing Rollup

Today, Rollup powers the production build of Vite, but is it ready for the future? We will look at new features introduced since Rollup 3.0, exciting changes for Rollup 4, and what may lie beyond. From Lukas: "I actually have a PhD in Mathematics where I involved myself with partial differential equations around black holes and no, there was not even a computer simulation involved. After that, I really needed more fun in my life, which brought me to software development as a much more gratifying experience and IT consulting specifically, which I started in 2015. My first gig taught me JavaScript and React and it was not long until I started questioning the tools I was using. For some weird reason, tree-shaking was something that caught me in early 2017, which got me to write eslint-plugin-treeshaking to help developers figure out the reasons why certain code could not be tree-shaken. At that point with the experiences from writing the plugin, I stumbled upon some short-comings in Rollup that I decided to address with some PRs, and roughly after the third, Rich gave me write access to the Rollup repository and then left me to my own devices. Which, as I found out, meant that I had just become the maintainer, and I still am to this date."

October 5, 2023