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Deploy and Scale your PHP App using Docker containers and AWS Beanstalk - Walter Dal Mut

In this talk we will focus on scalable infrastructures for PHP applications using Docker containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk in order to simplify application deployments and rollbacks and adding other features like: auto-scaling groups to adapt our infrastructure dynamically, at run time, adding or removing instances using our application metrics. https://joind.in/talk/view/14278 http://www.slideshare.net/corleycloud/deploy-and-scale-your-php-app-with-aws-elasticbeanstalk-phptour-luxembourg-2015 Cette vidéo vous a plu ? Adhérez à l'AFUP pour soutenir son activité : http://afup.org/pages/site/?route=vie-associative/56/devenir-membre Nous cherchons des sponsors et des conférenciers pour le prochain Forum PHP : http://www.forumphp.org Captation & montage : http://www.dfusion.fr/

October 31, 2015