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Building Apps with the AWS SDK for PHP - Carlos Condé

For both new and experienced users of the AWS SDK for PHP, we highlight features of the SDK as we work through building a simple, scalable PHP application. Attendees will learn about core features of the SDK including service clients, iterators, and waiters. We will also introduce new features in the upcoming Version 3 of the SDK, including asynchronous requests, paginators, and the new JMESPath result querying syntax. https://joind.in/talk/view/14282 Cette vidéo vous a plu ? Adhérez à l'AFUP pour soutenir son activité : http://afup.org/pages/site/?route=vie-associative/56/devenir-membre Nous cherchons des sponsors et des conférenciers pour le prochain Forum PHP : http://www.forumphp.org Captation & montage : http://www.dfusion.fr/

October 31, 2015